Bela's Music Blog

Hi, I'm Bela, and thanks for visiting my blog! Stay up-to-date with my happenings in the music world. As a singer, performer, and recording artist in the indian music scene, I hope to keep my friends and fans in the loop with my new blog. Your comments are welcome. Enjoy!

June 23, 2010

Masala Cruises - Alaska, St. John, Bahamas 2

The following was the promo on the website of the Masala Cruise, for the cruises that I had gone on with Fame Gurukul winner, Rex D'Souza, and Bollywood singer, Shraddha Pandit. I'm in the picture between Sunil Thakkar and Sunil, the Arab :).
These are just some random pictures of me with Shraddha, Shreya, and the Masala dancers (Mauli, Ekta, Meenu, Kavita). Professionally it was great, especially since Rex, Shraddha, Ali and I had a blast on stage each night that we performed. We became rather good friends during the Alaska trip. That camaraderie between us and of course, Sunil Thakkar, & not to mention the Masala band, communicated itself to the audience as well. Personally, well, with the number of friends I'd made within the Masala Group during those 2 trips, the fun was just unlimited! 

Here's a picture of CJ Singh and I during my 2nd Bahamas cruise. CJ is a very talented and versatile artist. I had my first Masala cruise with him, and my last. I did a total of 5 cruises that year. I not only had a great time on all of them, but also learned a lot from the experience.


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