Bela's Music Blog

Hi, I'm Bela, and thanks for visiting my blog! Stay up-to-date with my happenings in the music world. As a singer, performer, and recording artist in the indian music scene, I hope to keep my friends and fans in the loop with my new blog. Your comments are welcome. Enjoy!

February 07, 2007

Masala Cruise Jamaica

This was my second cruise with Masala, from Jan 1 - 7, 2007. If the first one was a lot of fun, this one was absolutely mindblowing!! It was a wedding cruise, of a couple from Tennessee. I have to say, it was a very unique experience. In one of the pictures, I'm singing and entertaining the audience. Another picture was taken at the wedding itself, aboard the cruise, with two of the Masala crew, Divo and Gaurav.


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