Bela's Music Blog

Hi, I'm Bela, and thanks for visiting my blog! Stay up-to-date with my happenings in the music world. As a singer, performer, and recording artist in the indian music scene, I hope to keep my friends and fans in the loop with my new blog. Your comments are welcome. Enjoy!

February 08, 2007

Ghulam Ali show in Chicago, IL

This was the biggest honor I could ever get in my life... performing on the same platform as The Legendary Ghulam Ali. This particular show was in Chicago. I did 2 shows with him in NJ as well, thru Music Waves. I'll never forget those initial mixed feelings of joy, intense nervousness, pride, and gratefulness to even be a part of this legendary artist's show (I won't forget how I felt knowing that Ghulam Ali jee was listening to me sing, from backstage).

I was in tears the first time I saw that banner with my picture on it, alongside Ghulam Ali jee's. That was the moment I stored away to be treasured forever, along with Ghulam Ali jee's blessings for my prosperity.


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