Bela's Music Blog

Hi, I'm Bela, and thanks for visiting my blog! Stay up-to-date with my happenings in the music world. As a singer, performer, and recording artist in the indian music scene, I hope to keep my friends and fans in the loop with my new blog. Your comments are welcome. Enjoy!

February 07, 2007

Random Pictures of me!

Two of the pictures were taken aboard the Masala Cruise in Dec '06 & Jan 2007 (the two Indian outfits).

One thing people always ask me is, do you always smile and laugh like that in reality. The answer is yes!! I love to laugh, smile and make people happy around me (thru my goofiness). I always believe in one concept.. that One can never "find" happiness... happiness has to come from within you, no matter what the obstacles in your path!


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